October 14, 2017

Vinyls & CD's Sorted

I've been working on my house for years... but the detailed stuff has been staring me in the face.

You know the detailed stuff - the collections of things that you walk past every day, the things you love to collect, to add to but you've never gone and put them into any particular kind of order? Well, for me, it was time to look into my vinyl and cd collection. So, the first thing I did was go out and buy large index book. You can buy these at a newsagents for around $10 - they're nothing fancy; so long they've got the index and are in hardcover, you're good.

Now, a few weeks ago, I organised which vinyls/records I play the most, to the ones I play the least - and this has worked to my advantage. This made writing it all out all the more easier. I started with the most-played vinyls, then worked back from there... writing down the artist and then the vinyl (and if I have multiple copies, I put down how many and if one is opened and the other still in wrappings - it makes all the difference in value). 

Well, after 3 days and a couple of nights, I finally worked out my whole collection of music. I pulled out the vinyls I no longer want and put them into a box for my brother... then I pulled out all my cds and wiped them over with a cloth and got all the dust and grease off them from not being played. 

I really didn't know just how much music I really did have... and how many cds have been stolen by my so-called 'friends' over the years. There were around 5 cds I can't account for - and yet I know I bought them... and they were in the collection only about a year or two ago; and yet I haven't loaned them to anyone. So, yes, they were stolen by somebody who has been near my cds. But seeing I don't know who took them, I can't point fingers... I can only replace them.

Anyway, I'm pleased I got all that done. I've separated some cds I really don't want anymore, as well as put away some of them which I just can't part with just yet (but will in the near future as they're from a dear friend who moved away and he hasn't been gone a year yet... I don't know what to do with the cds he gave me). 

But the music is all sorted now. This is good.

Now, onto my book collection! Oh my dear lord! Just how am I going to do that??? There's so many! 

Now, if you have a suggestion to sort books and keep an index of them, please do drop a line in the comments - I'd love to learn about it. Otherwise, how is your decluttering going?  

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