October 12, 2019

Went Looking For Something

The other day, I went looking for something under my stairs - where there's a storage facility. I'm pretty good with mine - it's got what I need in there and I clean it out once a year.

Well, I was looking for an old suitcase - a big one - and found it at the back. Great for me because I didn't have to spend money and time looking for another one. And this one was so old it wasn't much use for overseas trips anymore. 
I thought it would be a good idea to get in and toss out what I didn't need anymore in there too. So, on went the headlamp (yes I own one just in case there's a power outage in my area) and I got to work. 

Things were pulled out from there - a 3-step ladder, 2 tables, a folding chair, a tall art table (I've yet to use because I don't have the space) and a hammock I bought yonks ago but haven't used due to space problems... then I grabbed the suitcase and pulled that out. 

It was heavy - which meant it had other suitcases inside it. So, I had a choice! Great! I took it out into the small space of a living room and unzipped it... pulled out the other two inside it and immediately made my choice of taking the larger outside one due to the space I thought I'd need. 

It was then I decided to not put a few things back. But my hands began to itch. Something here was made from bamboo (something I've found I'm allergic to in the past year). Looking around, I counted off what would and wouldn't have been made from the stuff, and realised straight away it was the hammock. Damn I knew I should have worn cotton gloves! I spent a very uncomfortable night with swelling under my arms (where that damned thing came in contact with my skin) and itchiness all over.

Yesterday, I found my cotton gloves and put the hammock into the car... but I did forget them on the way to Vinnies and had to ask for help getting it out of the car. The people there remembered I was allergic and understood why I asked for help.

It's good to get rid of something I no longer need. It makes room for one of the items I acquired recently. Now... to find space for the vacuum. Oh well, I guess I can't win no matter how much I tidy, right? I can only keep on going with cleaning out. 

So, how is your place going. Keep us updated. 

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