August 07, 2019

Big Office Project

I've been looking at my Home Office and thinking that it's about time I did something about making it a place I enjoy working in.

Like I did with my kitchen and my bedroom, I have to make my home office a place I want to spend time in. 

So, over the next 3 months, I'll be cleaning out this entire office from top to bottom and throwing out everything I do not need any longer. I've already collected together a few boxes which I can put things into and know of a place - it's called Station 33 - to take my electronic do-dads I no longer need. 

And I'll be carting unwanted things to either the dump or the charity store, or better still into the wheelie bin outside my side door each week. The Home Office will be tidier than it's ever been by November. 

While I'm doing this, I'll be putting away money to save up for an op-shopped desk. This will be a desk which is solid and has drawers and, if I find the one I want, I'll get it paid and delivered to my folks' house so it's ready to use. I'll also be looking for another bookcase - a tall one - to replace the saggy brown one I have in my home office.

The whole office will be turned about and switched around. The corner desk will be tossed out (as it's falling apart) and the saggy bookcase will be tossed out too. The artworks I have up on the wall currently will be moved from the bathroom wall to the far car port wall. The books in all the cases will be boxed up and shifted into my bedroom (this will take a few hours to do as I'll need to label the boxes). Then, all the furnishings will be removed from the room, it will be cleaned, vacuumed and dusted completely before I get in and put in the new desk and attach the book cases to the wall (if needs be). 

I'm hoping to have more space in the room, less crap and it'll give me more light as well, seeing I'll be able to pull the curtains all the way back - and not just halfway - during the day. 

I've been planning this for around 6 months, and my folks and friends know I want to get in and really do this. I told my Dad that if I do find a good desk I'll get it delivered to their place just to store it while I'm cleaning out my place - and he said it was okay. I may have to fix it up a little too before it comes home to me; and their place is the perfect place to do that seeing they have the space and I can make a lot noise there. 

So... do you have any big cleaning-up projects you're planning around the house? Mine is the Home Office. It's going to take a few month, and will cost a little bit of money and time, but it's going to be well worth it. Do leave your ideas in the comments. I'm going to hopefully have a lovely home office by the time Christmas comes around. 

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