Yesterday afternoon, I took two hours out of the day - the hottest part of the day - to sort through as much stuff as I could in my home office to find the bills and bank statements to put into the green archive box.
First though, I grabbed the ones from the filing cabinet that were already in date order. Now, this cabinet isn't all that big, so I was getting rid of excess weight from there. This is a good thing; as I may also be getting in and using this filing cabinet for just my writing in the end - yay!
Anyway, I've decided to make the files of all the bills and bank statements work on a 5-year cycle. So, it doesn't matter which order those are in, so long they fit in those years in those files. It's easier for me - and thus will be easier for anyone who needs to look after my records in the future.
Well! I ended up going through 3 synthetic bags and finding a huge amount of bank statements and bills and putting them into another bag - to sort through properly later.
Then, I tied up 3 rubbish bags and threw them into the bin outside.
I have another bag filled to the brim with receipts from a number years ago; which need shredding. Any receipt that I've accumulated over the years, goes into a bag and I'll be taking it to my folks' house and shred it (until I buy myself a shredder at some point in time to do this myself).
There's one bag left where there's things left over that I need to sort through - just notebooks, bookmarks and other things I don't know what to do with yet. So, that's about a quarter full and I'm keeping that off to one side until I'm finished with the other 3 synthetic bags; just to see exactly how much junk I really do have left over... then, I'll sort through that all in one hit.
Otherwise, yesterday, I got through a lot of things in just 2 hours - between 2pm and 4pm - and I'm proud to say that I'll do it again today or tomorrow just to get it all down to what I need it to be.
But I also got in and worked on my usual habits around the house too. I made the bed, I pulled in the three loads of laundry I had put out, put away the clothes horse and sorted out dinner for myself (which was roast vegetables and fish).
I do have some clothes to put away, other clothes to sort through and some other decluttering to do in the living room to get it all sorted out before next month... then there's business cards to order for my markets in October. Yep, my life has become very busy indeed. I hope your life and your decluttering is going well. Please do keep us updated with how you're doing... even if you feel as though you're not going all that great, somebody may be able to help you out.
First though, I grabbed the ones from the filing cabinet that were already in date order. Now, this cabinet isn't all that big, so I was getting rid of excess weight from there. This is a good thing; as I may also be getting in and using this filing cabinet for just my writing in the end - yay!
Anyway, I've decided to make the files of all the bills and bank statements work on a 5-year cycle. So, it doesn't matter which order those are in, so long they fit in those years in those files. It's easier for me - and thus will be easier for anyone who needs to look after my records in the future.
Well! I ended up going through 3 synthetic bags and finding a huge amount of bank statements and bills and putting them into another bag - to sort through properly later.
Then, I tied up 3 rubbish bags and threw them into the bin outside.
I have another bag filled to the brim with receipts from a number years ago; which need shredding. Any receipt that I've accumulated over the years, goes into a bag and I'll be taking it to my folks' house and shred it (until I buy myself a shredder at some point in time to do this myself).
There's one bag left where there's things left over that I need to sort through - just notebooks, bookmarks and other things I don't know what to do with yet. So, that's about a quarter full and I'm keeping that off to one side until I'm finished with the other 3 synthetic bags; just to see exactly how much junk I really do have left over... then, I'll sort through that all in one hit.
Otherwise, yesterday, I got through a lot of things in just 2 hours - between 2pm and 4pm - and I'm proud to say that I'll do it again today or tomorrow just to get it all down to what I need it to be.
But I also got in and worked on my usual habits around the house too. I made the bed, I pulled in the three loads of laundry I had put out, put away the clothes horse and sorted out dinner for myself (which was roast vegetables and fish).
I do have some clothes to put away, other clothes to sort through and some other decluttering to do in the living room to get it all sorted out before next month... then there's business cards to order for my markets in October. Yep, my life has become very busy indeed. I hope your life and your decluttering is going well. Please do keep us updated with how you're doing... even if you feel as though you're not going all that great, somebody may be able to help you out.
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