February 16, 2019

Bedroom Tidiness

I have two bedrooms in my townhouse; but only use one for a proper bedroom - the other is used as a home office.

My master bedroom is light-filled and beautiful. I have a massive bed - which I've spent a lot of money to buy - I often buy lovely covers for it when I'm on holidays at the coast to make look colourful and pretty. And it doesn't matter if they match the sheets or not, so long they're lovely. 

But I do have a problem with my bedroom being messy and it goes back to when I was a child and not cleaning my room when I was told to. When I did finally move into my own place with somebody, it was paramount to keep the place tidy - however, when that person wasn't nice to me, and I found his demands to keep the house tidy to his specifications caused me to feel awful, I really didn't want to clean a house when I moved into my own place on my own.

I found a clean place made me feel stressed out... I felt as though he was going to come home any minute. I had to have a bit of mess around the house. I know this sounds crazy; but it happens to make me feel okay when I have a pile of magazines sitting in the living room gathering dust for a while before I move them. 

My master bedroom? Well, I'm really working on making it as tidy as possible because when I was with my ex-bf, it wasn't tidy... he didn't care about it, because nobody saw it. I have been trying very hard to keep my bedroom tidy and neat and it's not really working all that well. 
Today, it took me two hours to put away all my laundry, and as the same time, I was going through my wardrobe and sorting through things I didn't want as well - how exhausting!

But I got it done! 

I still have a few things to get done in that room, but I have sorted out a few things which weren't being sorted. I figured out my gym clothes and towels. I have organised my towels for the bathroom, and I got to clean the upstairs toilet while I was taking a break from cleaning my bedroom (yeah, not really a break, right?).

And I found this great link to 7 easy tips to keeping your bedroom clean. How cool is that? I've read it and it really makes sense. I'm already getting in and making my bed as soon as I can in the mornings; so that's something. But I also think that your bedroom should be well-lit too. 

So, what do you think? What's an important thing you do for your bedroom which works for you? Is the colour, the curtains? Should it be air-conditioned? Leave your opinions in the comments below.

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