February 15, 2019

Weekend Challenge!

It's Friday! And you know what that means, right?

Yep, it's the weekend challenge time!

I know you guys love doing these - as much as I do - and I do look forward to challenging you all. 

Now, I'm doing out my home office, and finding things in the place I never thought I would; and I'm kinda thankful to find these things. You know how you find those things you have put in 'a safe place'? Yeah, I did that to some of my things in the home office - it became the 'safe place' and I forgot all about those things!

It's funny how things like this happen like that, isn't it? And this is why I'm so happy to be doing out this room/office right now.

But the Weekend Challenge isn't anything to do with this. Nope... it's going to do with magazines. You see, I subscribed to one magazine - 'Good Reading' - and it's a great one. However, I've stopped the subscription because I'm saving up for something in particular for the next year or two. 

Now, I've found a huge pile of them in various places and have no idea that so many of them had accumulated! So, what I'd like you to do is collect together you magazines that you subscribe to and look at the date. 
If they have been kept for a significant reason - like a collection of them for a famous rock star or your favourite movie star - well, keep them all together. But if they're not and are of no real meaning to you, it's time to toss them out. First, though do have a good look at them, to make sure they're not hanging around you place for some reason or another then, put them into a rubbish bag and put them by the door. 

Now, what I do is I leave them near the Donation Box and wait for about a week, and see if I miss them... if I don't, it's in the bin for them! If I do, get them out and put them back.

I know this sounds weird, but it's a tried and true method for clothes, books, cds, videos and vinyls that I've figured out for myself. If this doesn't work for you, that's okay; it just means you may need to just be more brutal on your way of decluttering. 

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