February 08, 2019

One Busy Week

Well, I haven't really had time to get in and do any decluttering of my house - but I helped my Mum out on Monday; and she got a lot done there.

Today, I jumped in early and mowed the lawn, washed up, cleaned up the living room, did some laundry, threw out some rubbish into the bin and put away some other things into the bathroom. There was a huge list of things I did in the morning, and then I went off to the gym.

Yes, I make time for the gym - always - as it keeps me fit and healthy and my mind sharp. Remember that about keeping yourself fit; this will also help you declutter your place in more ways than one.

Then, once home, I put on 2 loads of laundry, took off the dry stuff from the clothes horse and took it all upstairs, and had something to eat and drink (proteine) and then began looking at what to eat for dinner. 

By around 9:30pm, I washed up everything, wiped down the counters, and cleaned up all the newspapers in the living room and put them into a bag to put by the side door. This will go out tomorrow morning first thing, as I'd already locked up the house for the night. 
I took the clothes I scored from Mum's house upstairs, along with all my shoes, bags and other laundry upstairs too. It's all sitting in my bedroom waiting to be put away; which I'll be doing when I wake up tomorrow morning at 6am. 

Why the early hour? Well, we have the termite inspectors coming in to look around the complex after 7am... and I want the place to look okay for it. It may not look perfect, but it'll look okay. 

The weekend challenge for you this weekend, is to go through your bathroom and sort out your 'goo collection'. I know I've asked you to do this before, but please it's good to go and do it again. The 'goo collection' is the unused shampoo and conditioners you've collected, the facial creams you've got hidden at the back of your medicine cabinet and other 'goo'-like things in containers which you just don't use and are gathering dust.  

Believe me, there'll be plenty of them.

Now, if they're almost full, take them to your local community centre and donate them. They will love you for it. But if they're almost empty, throw them out. You'll feel so much better for it.

Let us know how you go in the comments with this one. I did it a few days ago and tossed out some old night cream, old day cream and old hair treatment and shampoo which was a year past its used-by date... eeww! 

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