January 21, 2019

It's Personal

I know it's a strange thing to talk about, but when you're decluttering, you come across a lot of personal items. These are probably things you don't want to part with, and yet you're not sure if anyone in the family want either.

I'm talking about your hand-written journals, magazines you bought about famous people from the 1980's and 90's, odds and ends you thought were great and then put them away somewhere safe and forgot about them until now... so, what I'm doing is collecting together a few archive boxes in a certain colour to make them my Personal Boxes. I've labeled them 'My Life' and I'm putting things into them that my family can go through (and I can add to or subtract from) during my life.

This makes things easier for when the time comes for you to move house. You'll know which boxes are which and where they'll go in your next place. I've colour coded mine and written on them. 
Now, I've only done this because I don't have big filing cabinets, and it's the best way I can work out what is my life stuff, my banking, my car, and other things which are part of the bigger picture of everything in my office. 

So far, I'm onto my 3rd purple archive box for My Life... yeah, I'm not making them boring and beige. They're going to be colourful and useful in my house. The funny thing is that I don't know how many of the purple boxes I'll end up having by the end of my life... and that's the thing, you won't have the same number as me either. So don't fret if you've got 10 of them or only 2 ... what matters is what goes into them. It's about you, and what you want to leave to your family - what really personal things which you want them to see, which really matters. 

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